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The School of Foreign Languages held a psychological lecture on the theme of "Releasing Aggression reasonably and experiencing Free Heart"
2024-04-19 12:35  

To help people master the ability to properly release aggression,Improve self-adjustment ability,Enjoy a more free and pleasant spiritual experience,The School of Foreign Languages held a seminar on "Reasonable Release of Aggression" at 13:30 p.m. on April 17 in the Student Activity Center 401,Experience the free mind "as the theme of the psychological lecture,More than 100 people participated in the event。

In this psychological lecture, Ms. Zhou Lina from the Psychological Counseling Center of our school was invited as the keynote speaker to put forward relevant methods and suggestions for the students。Teacher Zhou Lina first analyzed the current situation of aggression of contemporary college students and gave examples。In the process of growing up, college students are faced with pressure from many aspects, such as study, employment, interpersonal relationship, etc. If these pressures and troubles are not released in a timely and effective manner, they may have a negative impact on their physical and mental health。Learning to release aggression reasonably not only contributes to one's own mental health, but also promotes personal growth。

Then Zhou Lina teacher according to their own psychological counseling experience, and on the college students should be reasonable release of aggression put forward valuable suggestions, while reminding students to release aggression should be moderate, not excessive so as to avoid adverse effects。首先,Talking is a good way to communicate,Share your thoughts with friends and family,Let them know what's bothering you,To receive love and support;secondly,Keeping a journal or relationship journal can also be an effective form of catharsis,Put your feelings into words,Sometimes it can help us better understand and face problems;finally,Exercise is also a means of catharsis that cannot be ignored,Exercise releases endorphins,Create a sense of pleasure,To relieve negative emotions。

This psychological lecture not only helps students better cope with the pressure of study, interpersonal relations, employment prospects and life adaptation, but also encourages us to work together to explore and practice more suitable for their own emotional catharsis methods to meet a better future。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012